Wednesday, October 7, 2009


As I child I struggled tremendously with reading, for some reason I just couldn’t make myself sit down and read a book. Which is also my current problem only now its gotten worse. I had no motivation to read as a child, not even teachers. The way it worked in my school was is if you succeed you got the attention if not they you were on your our for figure it out. And for that I was pushed farther and farther away from my goals. I wanted to be ahead and praised for my accomplishments but with no one there for show me I was struck behind with a few others. My mother read to my brother and I before bed as kids, I remember her reading my brother’s favorites about dinosaurs and how they use to walk the earth like we do now. Since he was the youngest he got to choose most of the books she read. I can’t blame others for my lack of reading ability, I do blame myself for not having the courage of opening a book and doing it myself. I wish now that I put more effort it something that is vital now in my higher education and everyday life. 


At the age of 16 I was diagnosed with Lupus, the process of finding out what it was that was making me sick shook me to my very core. Not knowing what Lupus was and what it meant for my future scared both my mother and I. Lupus is an auto immune disease that makes me prone to infection and other things, For a year I was afraid to touch anything for the fear of getting deathly ill. For the past years I’ve been in and out of hospital and emergency rooms. And for this I am stronger, when put in these kinds of situations one can know how strong you can really be. Strength that I never knew I had came out when my family and I were faced with this overwhelming news. Now when I wake up everyday I thank God for one more day his has given me. I live everyday to its fullest, I try new things and always keep positive energy around at all times. I appreciate those around me a lot more for sticking with me through all of life’s journeys. In enduring all of this I now have a new admiration for my mother. She’s my rock, she was there with me through it all. I owe a lot of my success and strength to her. 


Word: Dote

Part of Speech:verb

Defintion: to bestow or express excessive love or fondness

Source Sentence: Now, whenever we visit my relatives, all whom dote on my husband, I realize that he did'nt marry me despite of my tribe, he married me because of them. 

Context Clues: Using example and similar words in the paragraph i could conclude that her family dotes her husband meaning they show him love and are fond of him

Original Sentence: My mothers dotes my brother for being the man of the house after my father left us


Word: Tutelage

Part of Speech: noun

Defintion: the act of gurading, protecting or guiding

Source Sentence: I had been taking French since seventh grade, and under the tuteage of my high school teacher , Mr.Polkingharn, affectionately known as Le Polk, I had become quite fluent. 

Context Clue: using my logic i can conclude that Tutelage mean someone who guides by the was she was defining Le Polk

Orginal Sentence: I have to give much thanks for my stepfather for helping me without his tutelage i would not have been were I am today. 


Word: Olfactory

Part of Speech:adj

Defintion: Of or pertaining to the sense of smell

Source Sentence: Aunt Sedigeh also had a beautiful garden full of nasturtiums, roses, snapdragons, and sweet peas, a veritable Disneyland for olfactory sense. 

Context Clues: I can conclude from examples in the paragraph that olfactory deals with the senses. 

Orginal Sentences: The strong olfactory of fresh baked cookies filled the house.


Word: Monosybalic

Part of Speech: adj

Defintion: very brief or blunt

Source Sentence: How could our parent ever imagine that someday we would end up in a country where monosybalic names reign supreme, a land where "William" is shortened to "Bill" where "Susan" becomes "Sue." and "Richard" somehow evolves into "Dick"?

Context Clues: I figured it out by my logic that monosybalic was to be blunt

Original Sentence: Furny looked at Tochie with a monosybalic stare and he then knew he had made the wrong choice in words.


Word: Mantra

Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: a word or formula, as from the Veda, chanted or sung as an incantation or prayer.

Source Sentence: "I should've solf everything and brought the America a long time ago," became his mantra

Context Clue: Using example for the paragraph I can conclude that mantra mean something that is repeated because in the begin of this paragraph Firoozeh telling about her  father repeating how bad he felt.

Orginal Sentence: To stay focus throughtout the school year my mantra was "Keep your head in the books"